Grey Gardens is a 1975 American documentary film by Albert and David Maysles. The film depicts the everyday lives of two reclusive upper class women, a mother and daughter both named Edith Beale, who lived at Grey Gardens, a derelict mansion at 3 West End Road in the wealthy Georgica Pond neighborhood of East Hampton, New York. The film was screened at the 1976 Cannes Film Festival but was not entered into the main competition.
Ellen Hovde and Muffie Meyer also directed, and Susan Froemke was the associate producer. Although Susan Froemke is often credited as being one of the editors (and was featured for this in Vanity Fair magazine) she did not take any part in the original editing of the film. The film was edited by Ellen Hovde (editor of Gimme Shelter and Salesman) and Muffie Meyer.
In 2010 the film was selected by the Library of Congress for preservation in the United States National Film Registry as being “culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant”. In a 2014 Sight and Sound poll, film critics voted Grey Gardens the joint ninth best documentary film of all time.
8:00PM – Film begins
This 1975 cult-classic documentary has been digitally remastered and is being shown as a precursor to our tribute to the film’s director, legendary documentarian Albert Maysles, which will take place at the IRIS event on July 16 at Marble House. More details for the IRIS screening here: bit.ly/IrisDoc.
Get your “Grey Gardens” on!
Tie a head scarf, wave a flag & wear pantyhose over your pants. Because when else will you get the chance?
(costumes optional)
Get inspiration on this GREY GARDENS Pinterest board: http://bit.ly/GreyGardensInspo
Run time: | 100 minutes |
Directors: | David Maysles, Albert Maysles, Ellen Hovde, Muffie Meyer |
Producers: | David Maysles, Albert Maysles, Portrait Films, Inc |
Cast: | Big Edie (Edith Bouvier Beale), Little Edie (Edith Beale) |