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Acclaimed photographer Gregory Crewdson doesn’t just “take” his images, he creates them, through elaborate days and weeks of invention, design, and set-up. The epic production of these movie-like images is both intensely personal and highly public: they begin in Crewdson’s deepest desires and memories, but come to life on streets and soundstages in the hills towns of Western Massachusetts. In his decade-long project “Beneath the Roses” he uses light, color and character to conjure arresting images, managing a crew of 60 amidst seemingly countless logistical and creative obstacles. Filmed over a decade, beginning in 2000, Gregory Crewdson: Brief Encounters provides an unparalleled view of the moment of creation of his images. It also reveals the life-story behind the work—through frank reflections on his life and career, including the formative influences of his psychologist father and his childhood fascination with the work of Diane Arbus. Childhood fears and ideals, adult anxieties and desires, the influences of pop-culture all combine to form who we are, and for Crewdson, motivate his work. There is no specific backstory, no before-and-after to Gregory Crewdson’s images, simply the moment that lends itself to mystery and intrigue. Hundreds of movie lights combine with the setting sun in a perfect moment of illumination.

(newportFILM OUTDOORS) donation of $5/person. photographer gregory crewdson & director ben shapiro will be in attendance. this is an outdoor event, rain contingency plan at the casino theater. bring a picnic. le petite gourmet & newport wine cellar support newportFILM! Grab a wine and cheese picnic for two at either location ($35) and 10% of your purchase price will benefit newportFILM’s programs (please pre-purchase at 401-619-3966). Also, Ride your bike! Bike Newport will be providing a FREE Bike Valet Service. bring your reusable water bottle too! free water stations will be available. tallulah’s taco stand will be selling their gourmet tacos!

Run time: USA / 78 min
Directors: Ben Shapiro
Cast: Gregory Crewdson
Gregory Crewdson: Brief Encounters
This is a past event

“Crewdson often shoots at twilight, and the bewitching qualities of what TS Eliot called “the violet hour” fill almost every shot. ... He is a master of menace, melancholia and the macabre. He turns the American dream into a quiet nightmare.” — The Telegraph, UK

“I began to recognize Crewdson as one of those rare artists touched by vision; someone whose work truly disrupted my sense of the known.” — BOMB Magazine

The production and artifice of Crewdson’s photographs recede and the viewer is lost in another world, remarkably drawn from the same matter as our own, but somehow both more and less than what we are accustomed to calling reality.” — Seattle Post


Crewdson’s colossal images—painterly from far off, vidcam

crisp close up—capture the exact quality of a memory: that mix of the ineffable and the specific that calcifies in a single detail. Feel waves of ardor crash over you, and hold your breath.” — ArtForum Magazine

Crewdson is one of the most daring and inventive contemporary artists using photography. Crewdson is a genuinely important figure in today’s art world. He has an international reputation and has influenced an entire generation of younger photographic artists.” — Keith F. Davis, Curator of Photography at the Nelson

Presenting sponsor of newportFILM Outdoors