we know, we know, the past summer with newportFILM was FANTABULOUS and you’re missing us already. we guess you’re wondering how to fill the long and lonely cultural void until the scintillating summer slate of documentary film events returns? well don’t fret because newportFILM is awesomely here for you ALL year round! not to miss a beat after last month’s adventurous sojourn to rose island for the summer’s final outdoor film event, we will kick off the off-season with an end-of-october documentary treat (stay tuned for details).
in the meantime, here’s an idea of what to expect from us for the rest of the cold months:
-at least one incredible documentary a month, complete with filmmakers/speakers/receptions/etc.
-at least one cool kid/family film event every other month, programmed and produced by our awesome new parents committee!
-a ridicuously fun, super-chic, second annual february friend-raiser. start preparing your hollywood glammy get-ups NOW!
-an exciting new in-school program to help aquidneck island middle-schoolers learn about some important social and environmental issues through the intimate lens of documentary film.
-a springtime surprise that will take you back. way, way back… as always, while scouring the globe in search of one-of-a-kind documentaries, newportFILM keeps in mind the extraordinary diversity of tastes and curiosities of our unique community and we aim to please all paletes. we exist to educate, entertain, enlighten and forward some important missions of other local arts, education and non-profits, all while producing really cool film events. sound good? get cozy and stick around, cuz we’re not going anywhere. happy off-season!