We’ve officially acclimated to the altitudes and mountain attitudes of Utah, and are ready to embark on the yearly screen-a-thon that is Sundance Film Festival…
A few films on the docket for Artistic Director Andrea van Beuren & Executive Director Terri Conners include:
What Happened, Miss Simone?
Best of Enemies
Dark Horse
Prophet’s Pray
Racing Extinction
The Hunting Ground
The Wolfpack
One high on the list is How To Change The World. Think environmental doc, but with a rugged, rag-tag twist. Here’s what RealScreen.com had to say about the doc,
“You won’t find a call to action at the end of Jerry Rothwell’s documentary on Greenpeace, How to Change the World.
Nor, at any point, will you encounter saccharine montages of endangered species or rallying cries for change from any of the organization’s 40 member countries. Instead, you’ll meet a ship full of flannel-wearing, chain-smoking, well-intentioned men who – for the most part – don’t seem to agree on a whole lot.”
Read more about the film here: http://realscreen.com/2015/01/22/sundance-15-rothwells-rules-to-change-the-world/
There are sure to be plenty more added to this list and we’ll update with the favorites we hope to bring to Newport!